Hi, I’m Jeannie & welcome.
Renowned authority in hypermobility and Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome.

EDS & Hypermobility

If you have received an EDS diagnosis, think you may have EDS or have unexplained symptoms and are trying to work out what’s going on, you’re in the right place. You need to work at your own pace which is why there are a range of ways for you to work with me.

The Zebra Club APP

Hypermobility safe, affordable and effective movement, education and community in the comfort of your own home.

This is the first program that has actually helped. I’ve been doing it consistently for about 6 weeks and I feel stronger, more in tune with my body and have fewer subluxations which I didn’t think was possible.

JS, The Zebra Club member

Reframe — a 12-week online program

You may not have hypermobility but still have back pain. I trained as a back pain specialist in 2009 and over the years I have worked with many back pain patients who do not have hypermobility. You can have back pain for any number of reasons and my Integrated Movement Method (IMM) can help you too. This course is designed for you whatever your level of pain. My IMM uses a combination of movement therapy and neuroscience to encourage relaxation and softness before moving onto strengthening. I’ve seen it work for the clients and patients who have either worked with me in person or online. It can work for you.

When traditional Physical Therapy and pain management treatments were not working for my chronic back pain, I was fearful (and skeptical) about trying an online movement program. Not only has Moovlite helped me to better manage my chronic pain, it has taught me how to safely start moving again and given me the confidence to get back to activities I had been avoiding!

Jill, Moovlite participant

The Zebrastrong Blog

Managing your pain starts with learning what works for you, your body and your lifestyle. That’s why my blog is about more than techniques for managing pain. Here you’ll also find strategies for coping with the emotional and social aspects too.

hypermobility chronic pain lifestyle
What is chronic pain?

What is chronic pain?

Estimated reading time: 7 minutes The International Association for the Study of Pain defines pain as “an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with, or resembling that associated with, actual or potential tissue damage”. Pain is considered chronic if it lasts for longer than 3 months (1).

Understanding hypermobility in the neck

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes Neck pain is a common issue faced by those of us with hypermobility. Proprioception and muscle endurance of the neck are essential for functional stability (1). This is often lacking in hypermobility due to joint instability, muscle strains, poor posture, and ligament laxity.

Understanding hypermobility in the neck
Understanding double-jointed elbows

Understanding double-jointed elbows

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes Why write a whole blog about the elbow joint? Well, the elbow joint is like the knee joint – it is impacted by both the action of the wrist and the shoulder. It is the middleman and often ends up taking the strain for poor mechanics elsewhere. I think elbows are underrated in how we treat and manage hypermobility. How hypermobile people use their arms is going to hugely impact elbow issues.

As seen in